Online Mode of course delivery
Online mode of course delivery offers the students a dynamic digitally enabled environment which facilitates anytime and anyplace learning. Here the course is delivered in the virtual classroom and the scheduled teaching takes place outside the normal classroom environment. The online delivery mode provides the students with necessary flexibility to personalise their course schedule where all the teaching, learning and assessment is carried out through the online platform.
GCE has enriched the online learning content with variety of case studies, audios, videos, PowerPoints and text etc as part of various lectures as well as seminar/workshop activities on Moodle as virtual learning environment. Every effort has been made to make the content user friendly and easily accessible with necessary support and guidance to use various resources by the learners. Every effort has been made to make the content user friendly and easily accessible with necessary support and guidance to use various resources by the learners. It is an excellent opportunity for the learners to enjoy the access to e-learning platform to enhance their overall learning experience. College has ensured availability of relevant infrastructure, information systems, professional staff and technological support to all the learners. The virtual support sessions to deal with the online student enquiries are made available through appointments system.

Modes of study

Face to Face study
Student will learn in face to face contact synchronous class room environment.

Blended Study
Student will learn via a mixture of face to face contact , synchronous online class and asynchronous online

Online Study
Student will learn asynchronous online at their own pace but with definite course enrolment period.

Work based & Apprenticeship
Student will learn at their work place along with some blended learning.

Executive & Short Courses
Executive will be trained & developed via a range of blended learning or customised modes.