British qualification is recognised worldwide for its quality and harnessing and developing talent. The qualifications are rigorously developed and implemented and is undefined with strong culture and British values. British qualifications is broadly developed into school educations, further educations and Higher educations.
- The School education is divided into Primary (Year 1-Year 6 ie Age 6-11 years), higher school education to GCSE (Year 7- to 11 ie. Age 12-17 ) and A levels ( year 12, 13 ie age 18-19).
- Further education college can offer Diplomas (for 14–19 year olds) that are classified as Level 1 , Level 2 and Level 3 diplomas in specific subject streams/pathways.
- The higher education provisions are informed FHEQ and broadly corresponds with levels 4 to 8 and that is equivalent to Bachelor’s degrees ie BA /BSC year 1, 2,3 (L4, L5,L6) , Master’s Degree MBA/MSc/MA (L7) and doctorate ie. PhD (L8).
- Diploma for Higher education : The Higher educations can also be atatcined through a route of Diploma followed by a top up degree. Vocational qualifications are designed to give learners the skills and knowledge to do a particular job, work in a particular industry, or acquire more general skills to do a variety of jobs. They are offered by a variety of awarding bodies. The Diploma in any subject starts from a Level 3 (HNC diploma), and moves to Level 4 (Higher National Diploma- HND- L4), Level 5 (Higher National Diploma- HND- L5) and then to Under graduate top up degree .HNCs (Higher National Certificates) and HNDs (Higher National Diplomas) are work-related higher education qualifications. HNCs can take one year to complete full-time. HNDs take two years full- time (both can also be studied part-time). They are highly valued by employers, and can also count towards membership of professional bodies and other employer organisations. HNCs and HNDs are at level 5 on the RQF.
- Similarly a post graduate degree can be acquitted via Level 7 Post graduate diploma in a specific pathways/stream and followed by a postgraduate Master’s degree top up.
Modes of Study
Student will learn via a mixture of face to face contact , synchronous online class and asynchronous online
Student will learn asynchronous online at their own pace but with definite course enrolment period.

Work based & Apprenticeship
Student will learn at their work place along with some blended learning.

Executive & Short Courses
Executive will be trained & developed via a range of blended learning or customised modes.